
  "Where are you going ?" This question is often asked by Chinese when two friends meet in the street. But if you ask Americans the same question, they will be puzzled because they think that "going to some place" is quite a private business of their own. It has nothing to do with other people. In their eyes, only a policeman will ask such a question in the street.
         The same thing will happen to Americans if you ask, "Have you had your meal ?" In fact, to us Chinese, such questions do not mean anything but a greeting.
         In America when two friends meet in the street, they will say, "Hello !" or "How are you ?" instead of asking him the questions mentioned above. If two friends meet at meal time and one asks the other, "Have you had your meal ?" that means he wants to invite his friends to have a meal with him. It's quite different from what it means in Chinese.
        In England people like to talk about weather when they meet. As the weather changes very often in England, it becomes the most important topic among people. If you go to England, you must be good at discussing the weather, or you will find yourself stilted. There is a very important rule in discussing the weather. You must never contradict anybody when talking about weather. Should it rain and snow, should hurricanes uproot the trees from sides of the road, and should someone remark to you, "Nice day, isn't it ?" ---------- answer without hesitation: "Isn't it lovely ?"
        So, you see, different countries have different customs. 

  Comprehension Questions  練習你理解問題的能力  

1.     The sentence "When are you going ?" means  ________   to Americans.

        A.    greetings.
        B.    being questioned.
        C.    a problem.
        D.    making appointments.

2.     The sentence "Have you had your meal ?" means ________  to us Chinese.

        A.    something like "Hello".
        B.    inviting somebody to dinner.
        C.    caring for others.
        D.    intending to eat something.

3.     The passage seems to tell us  ________

        A.    people in England only talk about weather.
        B.    the British care little about weather.
        C.    the British have to know weather before going out.
        D.    the importance of how to greet the people in different ways.

4.     Suppose that an Englishman met you on a rainy day and said to you, "What good weather !" You should answer him with ________

        A.    "I don't think so."
        B.    "No, it is raining."
        C.    "Yes, isn't lovely ?"
        D.    "Oh, just so-so." 

See Answer 答案如下

 Answer 答案
1.  B     2.  A     3.  D     4.  C      


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